Library Design
Siren consists of one main code base written in F#. This code base is then transpiled to JavaScript, TypeScript, Python and made accessible from C#.
To make it as easy as possible to create a Fable library that publishes in multiple languages, I created a template called Fable.Multiverse ๐
Idea ๐กโ
During a hackathon for our research data management consortium, we were discussing ideas for visualizing graph like structures in a way that allows easy gitlab integration and can be understood and used by any level of user. The idea we pursued was to add .md
files with mermaid graphs for an easy overview. So why not write a domain specific language for mermaid graphs to make creation of such graphs easier and more error proof. Good idea, but what programming language should we use? In our consortium we have several groups, some using JavaScript, some Python, some (us) .NET or more specifically F#. Because i already have quite some experience using Fable, i did the mental checklist to see if it would be a good fit for this project.
- Does not need any dependencies. Mermaid graphs, are mostly YAML, so no complex syntax.
- Does not require IO interaction. We can simply focus on writing our mermaid graph as string and allow the user to do whatever they want with it.
- Only Fable compatible languages needed. We are already very happy offering such a tool in Python, JavaScript and F#.
.. and thats it ๐ So we can start developing a libary with one codebase for 4 [5] languages.
What is Fable?โ
Fable is a F# to X transpiler. It started out targeting only JavaScript, using a naming reference to the popular Babel JavaScript transpiler. Now Fable aims to support multiple languages, all in different states. At the time of writing, the offical Fable docs state the following:
Language | Status |
JavaScript | Stable |
TypeScript | Stable |
Dart | Beta |
Python | Beta |
Rust | Alpha |
PHP | Experimental |
- Type Safety. F# is a statically typed language, which means that the compiler can catch many errors before they even happen.
- Lightweight Syntax. F# has a very lightweight syntax, which makes it easy to read and write. It does not require a lot of boilerplate code and you can get right into the meat of your program.
- Testing(?). Main codebase is written in F# as well as most tests. This allows us to also transpile the tests to other languages and run them there. This is a big advantage, as we can be sure that the tests are the same in all languages.
Because we can recycle the tests, to ensure correct functionality, but we still must test if the library can be used from all supported languages without hurdles.
API Designโ
To make the code look and feel as native as possible in all languages, there are some things we need to consider. But first let us have a look at fable transpiled code.
The following code will use the Fable REPL to transpile code for easy showcasing!
- F#
- JavaScript
- Python
let helloWorld = printfn "Hello World"
import { printf, toConsole } from "fable-library-js/String.js";
export const helloWorld = toConsole(printf("Hello World"));
from fable_library_js.string import (to_console, printf)
hello_world: None = to_console(printf("Hello World"))
We can already notice some things:
- Fable tries to transpile into native syntax, so for example snake_case in Python and camelCase in JavaScript
- Fable has some wrappers for functions which might have native equivalents. In F#
is used to print to the console, in JavaScriptconsole.log
and in Pythonprint
. But Fable uses their own printf function to ensure 100% correct f# transpilation.
Next we will have a look at a class with some member functions.
- F#
- JavaScript
- Python
type MyClass =
static member add (x: int) (y: int) = x + y
import { class_type } from "fable-library-js/Reflection.js";
export class MyClass {
constructor() {
export function MyClass_$reflection() {
return class_type("Test.MyClass", undefined, MyClass);
export function MyClass_add(x, y) {
return x + y;
from fable_library_js.reflection import (TypeInfo, class_type)
def _expr0() -> TypeInfo:
return class_type("Test.MyClass", None, MyClass)
class MyClass:
MyClass_reflection = _expr0
def MyClass_add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
return x + y
Oh no, this does not look good. Fable does a thing called name mangling. Have a look at the offical docs for a deeper view on this topic. For now its enought to know, this is done to allow overloading functions in F#.
ncave pointed also out to me that tree-shaking in JavaScript was facilitated in this way. As it was easier for bundlers to detect import of single functions, rather then unused class members.
Using [<AttachMembers>]
But we can tell Fable that we know what we are doing and ignore name mangling.
- F#
- JavaScript
- Python
open Fable.Core
type MyClass =
static member add (x: int) (y: int) = x + y
import { class_type } from "fable-library-js/Reflection.js";
export class MyClass {
constructor() {
static add(x, y) {
return x + y;
from fable_library_js.reflection import (TypeInfo, class_type)
class MyClass:
def add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
return x + y
That looks better and allows us to do the following in all 3 languages: MyClass.add
This is the basic design i chose to use for most user facing api. All F#/Fable code not easily usable from other languages is hidden behind a facade like this.
C# Compatibilityโ
Strangely enough allowing C# users the same ease of use as Python and JavaScript users is the hardest. This is because C# has some issues with F# optional parameters and F# tuples.
In F# we can define a function like this:
type flowchart =
static member raw (txt: string) = FlowchartElement txt
static member id (txt: string) = FlowchartElement txt
static member node (id: string, ?name: string) : FlowchartElement = ...
flowchart.node("My id")
flowchart.node("My id", "My name")
Using the F# function in C# will result in an error, when you try to do flowchart.node("My id")
, as ?name
is a Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<string>
without any default information.
By creating a C# access layer we can avoid this issue for C# users:
The C# extensions for optional parameters and tuples are taken from Plotly.NET with the help from my dear colleague Kevin Schneider.
- Flowchart.cs
- OptionExtension.cs
public static class flowchart
public static FlowchartElement raw(string txt) => Siren.flowchart.raw(txt);
public static FlowchartElement id(string txt) => Siren.flowchart.raw(txt);
public static FlowchartElement node(string id, Optional<string> name = default) =>
Siren.flowchart.node(id, name.ToOption());
/// <summary>
/// Helper type for handling the special way the Plotly.NET core API uses generics.
/// In short, the problem arises because many optional parameters of Plotly.NET's core API are generics
/// with a type constraint for `IConvertible`. This means that these parameters can be both value and reference types
/// (e.g. `double` and `System.DateTime` both implement IConvertible).
/// If we now have a optional parameter of type `T? where T: IConvertible` the compiler will not allow this
/// without further type constrainst to eithe reference or value type.
/// This is a problem because we want to 1. allow both, and 2. have a reliable way of determining if the value was not set
/// because the F# API expects to be passed `Option.None` in that case.
/// There exist other workarounds like checking if the value is default or null, but that changes valid default values actually set to null as well.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="Value">The value to mark as optional</param>
/// <param name="IsSome">Wether or not the wrapped value is valid. This is used downstream to determine wether to wrap this value into `Option.Some` (if true) or `Option.None` (if false)</param>
public readonly record struct Optional<T>(T Value, bool IsSome)
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Value"></param>
public static implicit operator Optional<T>(T Value) => new(Value, true);
/// <summary>
/// Extension methods for the `Optional` class
/// </summary>
public static class OptionalExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Converts the `Optional` value to `Some(value)` if the value is valid, or `None` if it is not.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="opt">The `Optional` value to convert to a F# Option</param>
/// <returns>opt converted to `Option`</returns>
static internal Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<T> ToOption<T>(this Optional<T> opt) => opt.IsSome ? new(opt.Value) : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<T>.None;
A similar issue arises with F# tuples:
- Flowchart.fs
- TupleExtension.cs
- Flowchart.cs
type flowchart =
static member stylesNode (nodeId: string, styles:#seq<string*string>) = Flowchart.formatNodeStyles [nodeId] (List.ofSeq styles) |> FlowchartElement
/// <summary>
/// Convenience to convert from C# struct tuple literals to the value tuple ones.
/// </summary>
internal static class TupleExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Converts a tuple.
/// </summary>
internal static Tuple<T1, T2> ToTuple<T1, T2>(this ValueTuple<T1, T2> t) => Tuple.Create(t.Item1, t.Item2);
/// <summary>
/// Convenience to convert from C# struct tuple literals to the value tuple ones.
/// </summary>
public static class flowchart
public static FlowchartElement stylesNode(string nodeId, (string, string)[] styles) =>
Siren.flowchart.stylesNode(nodeId, styles.Select(t => t.ToTuple()));
Code generator helperโ
These incompatibilities are not only annoying but providing a consistently native C# experience, requires a wrapping for all apis. To make this easier, i created a code generator that takes a F# file and generates the C# wrapper for it. .. Or at least 95% of it. The rest is done by hand.
Code Generator
open System.Reflection
let FSharpOptionDefault = "Optional<string>"
let transformParameterTypeName (paramTypeName: string)=
match paramTypeName with
| "String" -> "string"
| "Int32" -> "int"
| "Double" -> "double"
| "FSharpOption`1" -> FSharpOptionDefault // this is not always true but a good approximation
| "Tuple`2" -> "(string,string)" // this is not always true but a good approximation
| "Boolean" -> "bool"
| _ -> paramTypeName
type ParameterInfo = {
Type: string
Name: string
} with
member this.FSharpParam =
match this with
| {Type = FSharpOptionDefault} -> this.Name + ".ToOption()"
| _ -> this.Name
member this.CSharpParam =
match this with
| {Type = FSharpOptionDefault} -> sprintf "%s %s = default" this.Type this.Name
| _ -> sprintf "%s %s" this.Type this.Name
static member create(typeName: string, name: string) =
{Type = transformParameterTypeName typeName; Name = name}
let generateCSharpCode<'A>() =
let t = typeof<'A>
let members = t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static ||| BindingFlags.Public)
let mutable csharpCode = sprintf "public static class %s\n{\n" t.Name
for m in members do
let methodName =
let name0 = m.Name
if name0.StartsWith("get_") then
let returnType = m.ReturnType.Name
let params0 =
|> (fun p -> ParameterInfo.create(p.ParameterType.Name, p.Name))
let csharpParameters =
if params0.Length = 0 then
|> _.CSharpParam
|> String.concat(", ")
|> fun s -> "(" + s + ")"
let fsharpParameters =
if params0.Length = 0 then
|> _.FSharpParam
|> String.concat(", ")
|> fun s -> "(" + s + ")"
let methodSignature = $"public static {transformParameterTypeName returnType} {methodName}{csharpParameters}"
let methodBody =
if methodName.StartsWith("get_") then
let withoutGet = methodName.Substring(4)
$"return Siren.{t.Name}.{withoutGet};"
$" => Siren.{t.Name}.{methodName}{fsharpParameters};"
csharpCode <- csharpCode + $" {methodSignature}\n {methodBody}\n"
csharpCode <- csharpCode + "}\n"
let test() =
generateCSharpCode<Siren.classDiagram>() // Here you can pass any type you want to generate C# code for
|> printfn "%A"
This is something i did not want to spend a lot of time on, so when i quickly wrote this and noticed it was able to create most of the C# code correctly. I think improving this code to create everything perfectly would be awesome, but would have taken me longer thant fixing the few mistakes it makes by hand.
This is a big issue. Whenever i update my f# api i must also update the c# wrapper. Changes are mostly catched by the compiler but missings functions are not.
That is why i added unit tests to check the count and name of a c# and f# class and compare it for equality:
public static class Utils
public static int GetMemberCount(Type type)
var members = type.GetMembers();
return members.Length;
public static List<string> GetMemberNameDifferences(Type type1, Type type2)
List<string> differences = new List<string>();
//transform string to lower
var type1Members = type1.GetMembers().Select(m => m.Name.ToLower());
var type2Members = type2.GetMembers().Select(m => m.Name.ToLower());
return differences;
public static void CompareClasses(Type csharpType, Type fsharpType)
int csharpMemberCount = GetMemberCount(csharpType);
int fsharpMemberCount = GetMemberCount(fsharpType);
List<string> differences = GetMemberNameDifferences(fsharpType, csharpType);
Assert.Equal(fsharpMemberCount, csharpMemberCount);
This at least helps me to catch missing functions in the c# wrapper, even if i still have to write them by hand.
Python/JavaScript import and Index filesโ
F# and C# use namespaces to organize code. I can have multiple files with the same namespace and access all functions simply by writing open Siren
/using Siren.Sea;
In Python and JavaScript this is not possible. Here imports happen on a file basis. So i needed to have a single file that imports all other files and exports them.
Luckily this file can be created automatically!
Index File
- Util.fs
- Indexjs.fs
- Indexpy.fs
- WhiteList.fs
module Index.Util
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type FileInformation = {
FilePath : string
Lines : string []
} with
static member create(filePath: string, lines: string []) = {
FilePath = filePath
Lines = lines
let getAllFiles(path: string, extension: string) =
let options = EnumerationOptions()
options.RecurseSubdirectories <- true
|> Seq.filter (fun s -> s.Contains("fable_modules") |> not)
|> Array.ofSeq
let findClasses (rootPath: string) (cois: string []) (regexPattern: string -> string) (filePaths: seq<string>) =
let files = [|
for fp in filePaths do
yield FileInformation.create(fp, System.IO.File.ReadAllLines (fp))
let importStatements = ResizeArray()
let findClass (className: string) =
/// maybe set this as default if you do not want any whitelist
let classNameDefault = @"[a-zA-Z_0-9]"
let pattern = Regex.Escape(className) |> regexPattern
let regex = Regex(pattern)
let mutable found = false
let mutable result = None
let enum = files.GetEnumerator()
while not found && enum.MoveNext() do
let fileInfo = enum.Current :?> FileInformation
for line in fileInfo.Lines do
let m = regex.Match(line)
match m.Success with
| true ->
found <- true
result <- Some <| (className, IO.Path.GetRelativePath(rootPath,fileInfo.FilePath))
| false ->
match result with
| None ->
failwithf "Unable to find %s" className
| Some r ->
importStatements.Add r
for coi in cois do findClass coi
|> Array.ofSeq
let writeIndexFile (path: string) (fileName: string) (content: string) =
let filePath = Path.Combine(path, fileName)
File.WriteAllText(filePath, content)
module Index.JS
let private getAllJsFiles (path: string) fileExtension =
let private pattern (className: string) = sprintf @"^export class (?<ClassName>%s)+[\s{].*({)?" className
let private findJsClasses (rootPath: string) (whiteList: string []) (filePaths: string []) =
Util.findClasses rootPath whiteList pattern filePaths
open System.Text
let private createImportStatements (info: (string*string) []) =
let sb = StringBuilder()
let importCollection = info |> Array.groupBy snd |> (fun (p,a) -> p, a |> fst )
for filePath, imports in importCollection do
let p = filePath.Replace("\\","/").Replace("ts","js")
sb.Append "export { " |> ignore
sb.AppendJoin(", ", imports) |> ignore
sb.Append " } from " |> ignore
sb.Append (sprintf "\"./%s\"" p) |> ignore
sb.Append ";" |> ignore
sb.AppendLine() |> ignore
let private generateIndexfile (rootPath: string, fileName: string, whiteList: string [], fileExtension: string) =
getAllJsFiles rootPath fileExtension
|> findJsClasses rootPath whiteList
|> createImportStatements
|> Util.writeIndexFile rootPath fileName
let generate(rootPath: string) (ts: bool) =
let extension = if ts then "ts" else "js"
generateIndexfile(rootPath, $"index.{extension}", WhiteList.WhiteList, extension)
let private getAllJsFiles(path: string) =
let private pattern (className: string) = sprintf @"^class (?<ClassName>%s)+(\(|:).*$" className
let private findPyClasses (rootPath: string) (whiteList: string []) (filePaths: string []) =
Util.findClasses rootPath whiteList pattern filePaths
open System.Text
let private createImportStatements (info: (string*string) []) =
let sb = StringBuilder()
let importCollection = info |> Array.groupBy snd |> (fun (p,a) -> p, a |> fst )
for filePath, imports in importCollection do
let p = filePath |> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
sb.Append (sprintf "from .%s import " p) |> ignore
sb.AppendJoin(", ", imports) |> ignore
sb.AppendLine() |> ignore
let private generateIndexfile (rootPath: string, fileName: string, whiteList: string []) =
|> findPyClasses rootPath whiteList
|> createImportStatements
|> Util.writeIndexFile rootPath fileName
let generate(rootPath: string) (name: string) =
// code to make camelcase to snakecase
/// This is because we currently snake_case everything that does not start with a capital letter
let camelCaseToSnakeCase (str: string) =
if Char.IsUpper str.[0] then
|> Seq.fold (fun (acc: string) c ->
if Char.IsUpper c then
acc + "_" + string (Char.ToLower c)
acc + string c
) ""
let snake_case_white_list = WhiteList.WhiteList |> camelCaseToSnakeCase
generateIndexfile(rootPath, name, snake_case_white_list)
module Index.WhiteList
let WhiteList = [|
// ThemeVaruiables
// Config
// Graphs and Helpers
The resulting files look like this:
- index.js
export { SirenElement } from "./SirenTypes.js";
export { themeVariable, quadrantTheme, gitTheme, timelineTheme, xyChartTheme, pieTheme } from "./ThemeVariables.js";
export { graphConfig, flowchartConfig, sequenceConfig, ganttConfig, journeyConfig, timelineConfig, classConfig, stateConfig, erConfig, quadrantChartConfig, pieConfig, sankeyConfig, xyChartConfig, mindmapConfig, gitGraphConfig, requirementConfig } from "./Config.js";
export { formatting, direction, flowchart, notePosition, sequence, classMemberVisibility, classMemberClassifier, classDirection, classCardinality, classRltsType, classDiagram, stateDiagram, erKey, erCardinality, erDiagram, journey, ganttTime, ganttTags, ganttUnit, gantt, pieChart, quadrant, rqRisk, rqMethod, requirement, gitType, git, mindmap, timeline, sankey, xyChart, block, theme, siren } from "./Siren.js";
from .siren_types import SirenElement
from .theme_variables import theme_variable, quadrant_theme, git_theme, timeline_theme, xy_chart_theme, pie_theme
from .config import graph_config, flowchart_config, sequence_config, gantt_config, journey_config, timeline_config, class_config, state_config, er_config, quadrant_chart_config, pie_config, sankey_config, xy_chart_config, mindmap_config, git_graph_config, requirement_config
from .siren import formatting, direction, flowchart, note_position, sequence, class_member_visibility, class_member_classifier, class_direction, class_cardinality, class_rlts_type, class_diagram, state_diagram, er_key, er_cardinality, er_diagram, journey, gantt_time, gantt_tags, gantt_unit, gantt, pie_chart, quadrant, rq_risk, rq_method, requirement, git_type, git, mindmap, timeline, sankey, xy_chart, block, theme, siren
Python packages will default import whatever is in the
file. So we must simply name the index file for python as such (at least for publishing).
As soon as we get to the publishing step everything is back to standard for the respective languages.
The easiest. We already have the required project files, no need to transpile. So we can simply use dotnet pack
to create .nupkg files.
Then dotnet nuget push
to push to
These are not the exact CLI args used. Details can be found in the build project in the GitHub repository.
Also quite easy. Transpile f# code to python code, copy pyproject.toml
into the dist
folder and create
Run python -m poetry build
to create a publishing files. Then publish files with python -m poetry publish
These are not the exact CLI args used. Details can be found in the build project in the GitHub repository.
JavaScript (+Types)โ
For this i followed the Example of Better Typed than Sorry by Alfonso Garcรญa-Caro.
Transpile F# to TypeScript, then use tsc
to transpile TypeScript to JavaScript and type information files (*.d.ts
). Add the index.js
file to the dist folder
Then publish to npm with npm publish
These are not the exact CLI args used. Details can be found in the build project in the GitHub repository.
Deep Diveโ
From here on are some additional issues i encountered during development.
The concept of allowing different inputs for the same function exists in f#, as well as python and javascript.
By using the [<AttachMembers>]
attribute we are not longer allowed to use standard f# overloads.
Because JavaScript does not have the same kind of type interference it is unable to recognice which function should be invoked:
- F#
- JavaScript
open Fable.Core
type MyClass =
static member add (x: int, y: int) = x * y // this should be invoked
static member add (x: string, y: string) = x + y
let result = MyClass.add(10, 20)
printfn "%A" result
import { class_type } from "fable-library-js/Reflection.js";
import { printf, toConsole } from "fable-library-js/String.js";
export class MyClass {
constructor() {
static add(x, y) {
return x * y;
static add(x, y) { // This shadows the function above and is invoked
return x + y;
export const result = MyClass.add(10, 20); // This will return 30
Erased Unionsโ
It is possible to imitate js overload behaviour by using erased unions.
Here we use a Fable provides discriminate union called U2
, U4
...). After transpilation it is replaced by a js type check.
- F#
- JavaScript
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
type MyClass =
static member test (arg: U2<string, int>) =
match arg with
| U2.Case1 s -> printfn "This is a string: %s" s
| U2.Case2 i -> printfn "This is a integer: %i" i
let result = MyClass.test(U2.Case2 10) // or MyClass.test(!^10)
printfn "%A" result
import { printf, toConsole } from "fable-library-js/String.js";
import { class_type } from "fable-library-js/Reflection.js";
export class MyClass {
constructor() {
static test(arg) {
if (typeof arg === "number") {
const i = arg;
toConsole(printf("This is a integer: %i"))(i);
else {
const s = arg;
toConsole(printf("This is a string: %s"))(s);
export const result = MyClass.test(10);
toConsole(printf("%A"))(); // This is a integer: 10
As you can see, this looks really nice in JavaScript, but is cumbersome to use in F#.
It would be possible to do do both and use f# overloads and shadow them with the erased union. But this would add more additional maintainance work.
We can use #if FABLE_COMPILER ... #else ... #endif
syntax to include code only in certain compiler states.
In the following example the erased union is only used (and accessible!) when the code is transpiled by Fable to JavaScript.
type MyClass =
static member test (arg: U2<string, int>) =
match arg with
| U2.Case1 s -> printfn "This is a string: %s" s
| U2.Case2 i -> printfn "This is a integer: %i" i
static member test(arg: int) =
printfn "This is a integer: %i" arg
static member test(arg: string) =
printfn "This is a string: %s" arg
let result = MyClass.test(10)
This would allow us to use the erased union only in JavaScript and use the F# overloads in F#. But i have not investigated how this would work for python ๐ .
Due to the additional workload i decided to avoid using overloads in the api. Instead i tried finding the core functions and functions, which allow additional inputs with a different name:
type sequence =
static member note(id: string, text: string, ?notePosition: NotePosition) = //..
static member noteSpanning(id1: string, id2, text: string, ?notePosition: NotePosition) = //..
JavaScript optional parametersโ
Using functions with multiple optional parameters is easily done in F#, C# and Python, but can get quite annoying in JavaScript:
- JavaScript
- F#
- Python
- C#
// tripple null ...
requirement.requirement("my id", null, null, null, rqMethod.test)
// easy!
requirement.requirement("My Id", rqMethod = rqMethod.analysis)
# easy!
requirement.requirement("My Id", rq_method = rq_method.analysis)
// easy!
Requirement.requirement("My Id", rqMethod: rqMethod.analysis)
The JavaScript native approach would be using an object with only the values you want to set.
There is even a way to tell Fable to transpile parameters as object using the [ParamObject]
- F#
- JavaScript
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
type MyClass =
[<ParamObject(1)>] // Start creating obj from params at index 1
static member test (name: int, ?id: string, ?text: string, ?rqRisk: string, ?rqMethod: string) =
MyClass.test(10, rqRisk = "Hello")
import { class_type } from "fable-library-js/Reflection.js";
export class MyClass {
constructor() {
static test(name, { id, text, rqRisk, rqMethod }) {
return 0;
MyClass.test(10, {
rqRisk: "Hello",
MyClass.test(10, {}); // Oh oh. Why an empty object?
As you can see adding no optional parameters requires an empty object, as Fable checks if the value at object key xyz is null and not if the object is null. Without the empty object the function would throw an error, whenever any of the optional parameters is referenced in the function. (Bad example as i just return 0).
Member Namesโ
Different languages have different expectations for member names. Aside from styling best practises, there are some things that are not possible in all languages.
F# typically uses PascalCase for class names and camelCase for member names. For easier usage i ignore this rule and used camelCase for everything.
F# reserved keywordsโ
The first issue i encountered where reserved keywords in F#.
For example classDiagram.``class``
. "class" is a reserved keyword which is not allowed in F#.
The standard solution is wrapping the name in backticks. But at least for me on VisualStudio Community this resulted in issues with my auto complete.
This resulted in me handling this issue inconsistently. The issues i encountered were mostly in (optional) parameters, which is why i changed their names to PascalCase:
For members i mostly stayed true to the backtick syntax.
type classMemberClassifier =
// abstract is a reserved keyword
static member Abstract = ClassMemberClassifier.Abstract
// static is a reserved keyword
static member Static = ClassMemberClassifier.Static
static member custom str = ClassMemberClassifier.Custom str
type classDiagram =
static member ``class`` (id: string, members: #seq<ClassDiagramElement>) =
The C# wrapper used the C# best practise syntax @class
, which worked fine for me.
C# - Member name = enclosing typeโ
I encountered this issue first for block.block
. In C# member names are not allowed to be the same as the enclosing type.
As i am not a very experienced C# developer, i am still rather undecided on how to handle this issue.
So far I have been using Block.block
, as I am thinking about using PascalCase for all classes in C#. And if only to mute the warnings in VS Community.
If you have a strong opinion about this topic, please let me know! I am interested in hearing your thoughts.
Transpiled namesโ
And back to classDiagram.``class``
. While JavaScript does not seem to care about this topic to much, Python does.
JavaScript gives us the best result, the F# backtick syntax is transpiled to a simple camelCase name classDiagram.class
Python on the other hand has class
also as reserved keyword. Fable transpiles it to classDiagram.class_
Which raises the question if i should simply apply this syntax to all cases with naming problems.
Docs/Native Test Maintainanceโ
The core library + C# wrapper were done rather quickly. I can also recycle my F# unit tests to check if transpilation works as expected, using Fable.Pyxpecto.
But testing correct native accessibillity and writing docs (showcasing the test cases) was the most time consuming part and something i am not happy with.
Here are some ideas on how to improve this:
- Theoretically, i could use the transpiled tests for docs. But i still have to remove the Fable specific helper functions and replace them with native ones.
- Kevin S. had an idea, repurposing jupyter notebooks for docs and testing. To at least unify the testing and docs.
If you have any ideas on how to improve this, please let me know!